Monday, March 17, 2014

Octopus Tea

Another sea critter in a cup I started this past week. Something I've been stressing over lately is composition as a whole. I'm so caught up with questions like "do the shadows make sense?" and "Am I'm mixing warm and cool colors correctly?" that I forget about whats really important to show in my work. I recently read a conversation between two of my favorite animators, Glen Keane and Ollie Johnson. When Glen was showing Ollie some of his work in Tangled, he pointed out how far technologically they had come in aspects like the reflective fabric in Rapunzel's dress and the subtlety of her freckles, Ollie replied with this statement "Oh, Glen, what I was wondering is; What is she thinking?" this statement basically slapped me in the face. I can have the greatest sense of color and light reflections in the world, but if I can't correctly get across what my character is thinking, then I have failed.

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